Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Fly-in Program from TCSW

The head of legal at Mattermost in California, Jamie Hurewitz works as in-house counsel responsible for establishing compliance and legal infrastructure for startups. Jamie Hurewitz has upwards of 15 years of experience in the field, and has spoken at the Twin Cities Startup Week event.

Twin Cities Startup Week (TCSW) is the United States’ second-largest startup week event. Featuring over 200 inclusive events for networking and teaching, the event inspires and connects potential startup founders and entrepreneurs from both the Twin Cities and outside the area. In fact, TCSW maintains a Fly-in Program for entrepreneurs and startup founders who do not live in the Twin Cities.

The Fly-in Program was based on the idea that if candidates are enticed to attend TCSW, they will see what the region has to offer and might choose to relocate to the Twin Cities. To this end, the program reimburses participants for flights during the week of TCSW. They are also given VIP access to the entire week-long event. This includes the many workshops and networking activities that are hosted by TCSW.

At the same time, fly-in participants get special access to curated content that demonstrates how great the Twin Cities area is for working, living, and playing. This content includes networking with hiring companies in the area, access to music events, and city tours. Since TCSW began hosting the Fly-in Program, over 110 individuals have participated. Of those, 28 ultimately relocated to Minnesota.

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  Jamie Hurewitz is an experienced lawyer who has represented and helped startups grow. In 2022, Jamie Hurewitz was appointed General Counse...